Wasteland Airsoft Event 2019 Cookies Chaos

Wasteland Airsoft Event 2019 Cookies Chaos

There'south much that can be said almost how to build your Ranger team in Wasteland 3, but as nosotros all know, graphic symbol builds are only half the story. The other half of the story is the gear that you bring into boxing. After all, having a highly optimized character build does naught if the weapon that y'all're using is hitting for ten damage per hit at the end of the game, and having a gun that outputs hundreds of points of damage per shot doesn't particularly help if information technology takes an entire turn to shoot. Things go slightly more complicated when you lot gene in weapon attachments, which can oftentimes drastically affect how a weapon performs. At that place's as well certain unique weapons that, while good on their own, belong in their own ranking tier when a graphic symbol is built around the weapon'southward unique properties.

Naturally, all of the good weapons inWasteland 3are progress locked. You more often than not demand to come across Angela Deth in person for the first time to unlock these weapons at Ranger HQ's armory, or a vehicle chassis capable of withstanding level 3 radiation. Thus there is some merit to just rushing through the quests involving the Patriarch'southward sons and then mopping upwards the side quests. Fortunately, this means that acquiring many of the best endgame viable weapons is a rather straightforward affair. Unfortunately, yous tin can't reliably get more than than one re-create of each endgame weapon, and weapon attachments can't exist removed, so it's rather important to have an thought of what you lot want to practice with said weapons. This is where reference guides (such equally this one) can come up in handy.

Note that for the beneath weapons to accomplish their full potential, it is assumed that you have maxed out Coordination and Awareness. Unique weapons that are only constitute in Yuma County are not mentioned because if you can articulate Yuma County to begin with, you've basically already beaten Wasteland iii. Melee weapons are too non mentioned because they're fairly straightforward to build around.


wasteland 3 minigun
Obligatory "Minigun goes brrrrr"

Background: Disciple of the Metal

Skills: Big Guns, Toaster Repair, Weird Science

Quirk: Pyromaniac

Required Weapon Mods: Incendiary Linkage, Shortened Barrel, Quickfire Magazine

The Minigun is a adequately good weapon on its ain, capable of throwing out bullets like it'due south going out of style, but it gets even better when it'south modified specifically for a Ranger who specializes in incendiary harm. The idea behind this weapon configuration is to employ the Shortened Barrel modernistic (+twenty impairment per shot) to get an extra 360 damage per attack. Converting the Minigun to do incendiary damage so applies a 10% loss of damage per shot. However, this is more than compensated for by the seventy% damage buff from the aforementioned character build. This leads to approximately 1400 base damage per set on, which is more than enough to tear through annihilation, regardless of if it'south machine, man, or monster. Throw in the Quickfire Magazine and you lot tin clasp off at least ii attacks per turn, assuming that you don't move and take at least 12 AP.

You lot can also create versions and builds that revolve around explosive damage, only then you lose the synergy with flamethrowers. Other potential substitutes include using the Titanium-Cobalt Barrel (+eight impairment per shot) if y'all can't purchase the Shortened Barrel from HOGS at the Denver Ruins. If you're really worried nigh how robots resist incendiary damage, you tin can besides throw in the Mechanics Skill, but you generally don't need information technology.


wasteland 3 jackhammer
You know that a gun is a little too powerful when it, with no mods, is amend than a fully modded, capstone unique gun in almost every single way.

Required Small Arms Perks: Articulate Cover, Devastation

Optional Skills: Explosives

Optional Groundwork: Explodomaniac

Optional Quirks: Sadomasochist or Pyromaniac

Platonic Weapon Mods: 38MM Magnifying Scope or Farsight Estimator Assisted Telescopic, Open Cylinder Choke, HE Fuse Linkage

Wasteland 3'due southMinor Arms weapon upgrade path for shotguns is fairly logical for the most role. By the fourth dimension that you lot achieve Aspen, your best options are going to be either the Tactical Shotgun or the Assault Shotgun. The sometime does more damage per shot, just the latter fires three times per attack at the toll of two more AP. Thus you must choose between AP efficiency and raw burst impairment.

And then comes the Jackhammer, arguablyWasteland 3'southnear "overpowered" weapon. It does more damage per shot than the Tactical or Assault Shotgun, only information technology just requires three AP to burn down a burst of three shots. This means that each shot basically just costs one AP. If that's not enough, the base overall damage profile is roughly comparable to the top-tier Sniper Rifle, the Eliminator, which costs vi AP to shoot. Combined with the Devastation Perk from the Pocket-size Arms tree, which buffs shotgun damage by 25% for each target hit per shot, the Jackhammer turns the Ranger who's wielding it into the ultimate crowd-control weapon. It'due south then practiced that one would suspect that the incorrect AP cost was entered by the developers because there'due south no style that such a weapon requires so little investment to practice so much damage.

If you actually want to push the Jackhammer's damage, convert it to an explosive weapon and invest in the appropriate grapheme build. This has the side consequence of helping with armor penetration, making an already powerful weapon near unstoppable.


wasteland 3 pdw
The closest that one tin can go to firing micro-rockets.

Background: Explodomaniac

Skills: Automatic Weapons, Explosives

Quirk: Serial Killer

Where to Find the PDW-01: Hidden enshroud in Massacre Site, northwest of Yuma County on the world map

SMGs inWasteland 3suffer from low penetration and somewhat poor ammo efficiency, but the PDW-01 completely turns that around by having born explosive impairment. It also has relatively hard-striking bullets and a decent magazine size, making for a very versatile weapon that can be modded into quite a few configurations.

At present you may be wondering why would y'all use the PDW-01 when the Ripper exists. The Ripper fires four more bullets per attack, meaning that it has bang-up synergy with weapon barrels that provide a flat damage buff, and a better crit multiplier. You can fifty-fifty convert the Ripper to an explosive weapon for roughly the aforementioned overall impairment. The chief affair that sets the PDW-01 apart is the fact that you almost never have to reload, whereas the Ripper must reload after three to four attacks at near. This absolutely clashes with the AP manipulation offered past the Automated Weapons Perks and Series Killer, which is designed to enable kill chains, not reloads.

Honorable Mentions


wasteland 3 eliminator
It's really piece of cake to sneak around when you're putting fist-sized holes in people.

Groundwork: Goat Killer

Skills: Sneaky Shit, Sniper Rifles, Mechanics or Explosives

Quirk: Sadomasochist

Unlike all the other weapon classes inWasteland 3,sniper rifles are so straightforward that it's barely worth mentioning. This is doubly true at the endgame, where at that place'southward actually only one sniper burglarize that's viable: the Eliminator. That beingness said, having a straightforward upgrade path isn't necessarily a bad thing equally it simplifies logistics and it lets you get creative with weapon mods and builds. For example, the most popular manner to set up a defended sniper is to have them max out on crit chance and crit impairment multipliers. Combined with Sneaky Shit and a Phase Silencer attachment, you lot can hands hit for thousands of points of damage on an opening assail.

In add-on, there is some synergy between the average crit sniper build and Explosive weapons as they both benefit greatly from crit damage modifiers and they're both excellent choices to initiate combat. Needless to say, an explosive Eliminator with the Explodomaniac Background is quite viable too. The carmine on top of it all is the fact that information technology's a trivial matter to burn down twice in i turn once you max out your Coordination. On the other hand, Explosive weapons themselves have slightly better AP synergies with other weapon classes, so it's actually a question of whether or not you desire to max out one Ranger's damage or the whole team'south damage.

Atom Smasher

wasteland 3 atom smasher
No other gun has as cool a name as Cantlet Smasher though

Skills: Weird Science, Automatic Weapons

By at present, it'south no secret thatWasteland 3'sassault rifles are essentially trash tier. They practise near the same impairment per shot as SMGs, but burn down merely half as many bullets per attack at best, and they accept no particularly noteworthy Perks. The sole exception is the Atom Smasher, which fires five times per attack and offers a decent amount of damage per shot. You're still not getting as much harm as SMGs, peculiarly since you lot can't manipulate your AP costs, but it is a reasonable choice for fighting robots and other mechanical enemies. Pair it up with the Polar Vortex and you've got every bit reasonable an set on rifle build equally you lot can get.

Wasteland Airsoft Event 2019 Cookies Chaos

Posted by: jacksonvoure1974.blogspot.com

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